Developer of the Year

Most impressive development studio of 2021.

Grimmy Winner

Square Enix Internal Teams - Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

One version of Square Enix would have quit on Final Fantasy XIV. Another version would have just let it drag on in its miserable existence without the Real Reborn. Since that relaunch though, the FF XIV has steadily delivered on a vision for a game that most players didn’t care about. Until we had to. Now we all want in, and that’s a problem that the FF XIV team fixed by making what should be an industry standard decision in not allowing new players. Gutsy and absolutely the right call for its players and the stability of this great game. We hope Square Enix leadership learns from this genius new standard.


  • Eidos-Montreal - Guardians of the Galaxy
  • Playground Games - Forza Horizon 5

The 2021 Grimmys