Justin is scared by the word finite but cautiously trusts Ubisoft. JB had Mario Tennis Aces taken away from him. Justin G lawyers ArenaNet. Plus, a promise to Dad of War.
Show Features
Cast: Justin Lacey, JB Buckner, Justin Gifford
- What's Up?
- Luke Cage Soundtrack
- Freddie Mercury
- Rampage
- Headliner: Ubisoft VP says company moving away from "finite experiences" - 1
- Game Break: God of War
- Justin Needs a Moment:
- Headliner: Mario Tennis Aces is fun for the whole family?
- Game Break: Football, Tactics and Glory
- Look Back
- Headliner: ArenaNet fires writers for negative interactions with fans - 1
- Game Break: Battletech
- New Releases and Pick Ups