So the first game to prove to me that the Nintendo Switch was onto something was actually released for other devices in 2016. It's a 2017 game to me dammit! I showed off Puyo Puyo Tetris in just about every way those first Switch ads told us about (ok, the party wasn't on a rooftop but it was still a party). I mean, everyone loves a random game of Tetris and we were just a kick stand away from a battle that starts off based on nostalgia and then you both realize how competitive you are about Tetris.
I lovehated the single player story, but after my Tetris nostalgia wore off I couldn't stop playing Puyo Puyo. Suddenly, I was taking time away from "more important" games to "get better" at Puyo Puyo. I had to get better because that last game at the office was too close, and I found out that that one friend that just kicked my ass has apparently played twice as much as me. This is serious. Oh god, I've felt this before. Thanks for reminding me that my mom is still better than me at Tetris, Puyo Puyo Tetris.
Throughout January, the Games of 2017 will lead the way towards The 2017 Grimmys - Horrible Night's Games of the Year Awards.
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