Hoo boy, what a weird year for DC. The good news for video games is that all of its tv and movie efforts made me starved for some likable Batman. I'll admit that I'm kind of an easy mark at this point, but when Telltale announced its Batman series I kind of assumed I'd just get a retelling of a familiar Batman story. Batman: The Tellale Series was the freshest take on Gotham that I've experienced in a decade. I wouldn't call it revolutionary, but it sure as hell was entertaining and made me think about Gotham's citizens in a different way than I ever had before.

Aside from its fresh takes on characters and the specifics of Batman's predicament (which I don't want to understate because they are excellent), this is the most that I've enjoyed and empathized with Bruce Wayne, ever. That's why this story will stand out amongst the best that Batman has to offer. Telltale's gameplay formula is unobtrusive at best at this point, but as someone who doesn't take time to track down comics these days I certainly wouldn't mind digesting more Batman content this way. Which is good because the satisfying conclusion definitely left room for additional seasons. Thanks for the Bruce, Batman: The Telltale Series.

Games of 2016

Throughout January, the Games of 2016 will lead the way towards The 2016 Grimmys - Horrible Night's Games of the Year Awards.